Friday 24 April 2015


   Bilingual education involves teaching academic content in two languages, in a native and secondary language with varying amounts of each language used in accordance with the program model.In Malaysia we have many races, religion and language so bilingual education is important. But there are advantages and disadvantages for bilingual education. 
   The advantages of a bilingual approach to education have been discussed and researched for decades and are well documented.  In addition to giving children a sense of cultural pluralism, it has been shown that learning a second language, particularly from an early age, has a cognitive and academic benefit.  Research demonstrates that young children who become bilingual develop stronger communication skills in their native language, learn additional new languages at a faster rate and are better prepared to compete in the global economy.  Additionally, students who learn a second language score significantly higher on the important tests.  Bilingual children and adults often demonstrate superior executive function skills that result in an enhanced ability to adapt to changing situations, execute multi-level tasks, and engage in high-level cognitive thinking.  Finally, bilingual adults are more employable and enjoy a greater variety of career opportunities.  In short bilingual children are smart, adaptable and successful
  The disadvantages of a bilingual education is, to learn bilingual education is quite costly. schools all across the country are struggling to keep their foreign language programs funded as is. Running a dominant language program is far cheaper than attempting to educate a minority language student. Often, if a student does not have a strong understanding of the language they are being taught, all of the money spent on establishing the program is a complete waste. Spending money on bilingual education programs takes valuable funding away from programs that schools are already forced to cut back on. Physical education and music related programs are consistently falling by the wayside, in favor of foreign language programs that are not proven to be successful. For this reason, many schools have elected to stick with their current dominant language programs.

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