Friday 24 April 2015


   Homeschooling, also known as home education, is the education of children inside the home, as opposed to in the formal settings of a public or private school. Home education is usually conducted by a parent or tutor.In Malaysia Homeschooling is only for Rich,VVIP children. Homeschooling more popular in Europe country. Did you know there are a few benefits about homeschooling.
   Homeschooling is one-on-one tutoring .Some studies have shown that in schools, the smaller the students-teacher ratio, the better the students learn.  Among other benefits, the students are helped individually, and teachers ensure that all students master a basic skill or concept before going to a more advanced one.  It ensures that genuine learning is taking place.  Homeschooling is, in effect, one-to-one ratio of teaching.
   Homeschooled kids tend to think more independently. They are also unlikely to follow the ideas of a group without first making up their own minds. College students who were homeschooled express that they feel more mature than their dorm mates, because they know how to think for themselves and aren’t influenced as readily by peer pressure.
   Education at home will eradicates boredom. Since learning is specifically tailored to individuals, it make them put consistent effort into learning.  Also, kids do not have to waste time on what they already mastered while other kids are catching up.
  For the parents who cares about their children safety. Homeschooling provides a safe learning environment. Children who are homeschooled are not exposed to teasing, bullying, negative peer pressure, bad influences, and in some cases, bad or even misbehaving teachers.
   Finally, Homeschooling strengthens closeness of the family, and parents’ relationships to children are made deeper. Parents are able to watch their children grow.  Families are able to travel, practice their religion and 

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