Wednesday 29 April 2015


School-based Assessment (SBA) was first proposed in the Reform Proposals for the Education System in Hong Kong, published in September 2000. In this approach, basic skills and knowledge required by a Form 5 graduate will be indicated and students do not have to compare with the others.
   Under the education reforms in which a new culture of learning and teaching is to be cultivated, schools can use different modes of broad-based assessments, including observation of students' performance in classroom and participation in project work to promote learning in a more flexible manner. Another benefit is advocating students' all-round development which gives a more comprehensive picture of individual students' learning needs, as well as fosters the positive washback effects of public examinations. It also helps to address the limitations of judging students on their performance in one single examination.
   For assessment students are required to partake in interactions with classmates on a particular aspect of the text they have read or viewed, leading up to making a more formal group interaction or an individual presentation on a specific text and responding to questions from their audience. Students are assessed according to a set of assessment criteria, consisting of a set of descriptors at each of six levels across four domains, the domains are briefly describe as follow.
   First domain is pronunciation and delivery.Then, Communication Strategies, Communicative strategies involve body language, timing, and asking and answering appropriate kinds of questions.The next domain are Vocabulary and Language Patterns. Finally,  Ideas and Organisation  The ideas and organisation domain consists of the expression of information and ideas, the elaboration of appropriate aspects of the topic, organisation, and questioning and responding to questions.

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