Friday 24 April 2015


    Malaysia is a multiracial country. Malaysia has a population of 23.27 million consisting of 61 percent Malays, 30 percent Chinese, 8 percent Indians and 1 percent of other ethnic groups. Malaysia is unique because of its diversity of races, religions and cultures, the stability of the country and many places of interests. Besides, there are many international achievements which are the pride of our nation. There are a few things that what i know and what you should know about Malaysia.
   Every 31 August every year Malaysia will celebrate their Independnce Day. In 31 August 1957 has been declared the independence of Malaysia after several negotiations were among Malaysians led by Tengku Abdul Rahman and the British. In that day, Tunku Abdul Rahman proudly declared the independence of Malaya (now Malaysia) by shouting out "merdeka" seven times at the merdeka stadium.
  Malaysia is multiracial, multi ethnic, multi cultural country. This is because Malaysia have so many races and religion in one country. What make Malaysia amazing country is, althought they have many races and religion in their country, they can live peacefully. Malaysian people also known for their kindness, tolerance and their friendliness.
   Malaysia, people of difference ethic heritage live harmoniously, where the majority Malays, Chinese, and Indians have all placed their individual stamp on the local fare. It is bound to have interesting effect o the cuisine of the country. Every ethnic have their own famous food. For Example, Malay is famous with their nasi lemak, lemang and rendang. Roti canai, thosei and chapati were Indian famous food. Chinese is famous with their char kuey teaw and hainan chicken rice.
   The Wildlife of Malaysia are some of the most diverse on earth, with Malaysia being a Megadiverse country. The majority of the country is covered in rainforest, which hosts a huge diversity of plant and animal species. There are approximately 210 mammal species, 620 bird species, 250 reptile species, and 150 frog species found in Malaysia. Its large marine territory also holds a great diversity of life, with the country's coastal waters comprising part of the Coral Triangle.

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