Saturday 21 March 2015


  In a borderless world, all the information is at the fingertips. Science and technology leads us to a change of life. Progress can not be denied. However, in the meantime, there are also denying the impact of science and technology. Various conclusions made by individuals on the basis of observations about the impact of science and technology either advances or even lead to the destruction of the universe.There is no denying that science and technology have importance in the development of the global community. But it is also undeniable have an adverse effect on the country's development, including environmental and social problems. 
    All this can not be avoided because sometimes people are busy pursuing development and sophistication even forget the adverse effects that would happen. All discoveries and inventions in science and technology that was born of the human mind sometimes misses the real purpose for not according to the principles outlined by Islam. Not surprisingly, many are now employing science and technology are also invited to harm if the boundaries of exploration science does not conform to what Islam has to say.
   Now, the creation of a fairly sophisticated human findings in defense technology capable of protecting the country from enemy attack. Various forms of defense equipment from weapons to fight until the equipment also follow the progress of science and technology. From one angle, it may be good for the country but if he thinks might be more consequences resulting from the use of advanced tools of science and technology progress results. Ever wondered, that the sophistication of the tools of war can lead to destruction of the world including the environment and also the many souls who perished own deck of human greed. For example, the effects of the use of bombs or guns can destroy the environment. Even just to test the ability of a creation, sometimes it legislate to environmental degradation as leading to environmental pollution. 
    Meanwhile, a high level of expertise and sophisticated equipment needed to build its own nuclear bomb.Biotechnology now propel the country towards development. Food engineering field through the latest technology capable of producing genetic modification of food (Genetically Modified Food) which features best as durable, sleek and refined, simple, inexpensive and increase crop production such as brown rice, tomato and chilli. Food produced is the same but have different properties that are included with various combinations of the genes of other organisms. 
   What is the question of genetic resources used to produce custom food is feared than the things that are prohibited by legislation. GMF also affects human health because they contain impurities  is unknown adverse effects..

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