Wednesday 29 April 2015


   Early childhood education is a branch of education theory which relates to the teaching ofyoung children formally and informally up until the age of about eight. During their early years, children go through critical stages of development, and consistent, high-quality early childhood education can have long-lasting, beneficial effects on the overall development of children.Choosing a preschool in which your child will be loved and cared for is of utmost importance, of course. But it's also important to select a preschool that will partner with your family to ensure your child's healthy development throughout his or her early childhood education years.
   Having your child attend the same preschool programme throughout his or her early years allows him or her to develop relationships with the adults and children in that environment, which provides a sense of security. A child who is comfortable with the people in his or her life is more likely to participate in learning opportunities and in advanced cooperative play, such as role playing with others, playing games with rules, and working with others to accomplish goals.       
   Children who experience consistency in their early childhood education programme demonstrate less aggressive behaviours, because of their ability to interact with others and use their language skills to resolve conflicts. For young children, the knowledge that teachers, other children, and daily routines will be consistent over time encourage confidence and competency in social life.
   Finally, If your children get the early childhood education, they will be able to improve their language. Language development occurs at a rapid pace in children between the ages of one and five years old. Children who are secure in their environment and with the people around them are more likely to engage in frequent, age-appropriate conversations. Daily interactions such as these lead to more advanced language skills by promoting vocabulary development and conversational skills. Activities such as daily group discussions, fingerplays, songs, and read-alouds, help children develop the fundamental language skills they will continue to build on throughout their lifetimes. 

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