Wednesday 29 April 2015


   Genetic engineering entails manipulating an organism’s gene indirectly using techniques such as molecular cloning to alter the nature and structure of genes. It can change an organism’s characteristics through DNA manipulation. Human beings ought to consider the pros and cons of genetic engineering before using it.There are a few pros and cons about genetic engineering. Lets begin with pros of genetic engineering.
   First, it leads to better growth rate, taste and nutrition of crops like tomatoes, potatoes, rice and soybean. Genetically engineering produces new variants with increased yield and improved nutritional qualities. Genetically engineered crops can survive on lands that are currently not suited for cultivation. Genetic manipulation can be carried out to meliorate the nutritional value and increase the rate of growth of crops. The science of genetic engineering, also referred to as foods Biotechnology, nay be utilized to ameliorate the taste of food.
   Next, Genetic engineering produces crops which are pest-resistant and have a longer shelf life. Engineered seeds can endure harsh climatic conditions and are resistant to pests. At-DBF2, a plant gene, can be inserted into tobacco and tomato cells to increase their survival in harsh climatic and soil conditions. Biotechnology may be utilized to slow down food spoilage process. This results in a greater shelf life of vegetables and fruits.
    The Genetic Engineering has some cons as well. One, it may block the nutritional value. Genetic engineering in food contaminates crop genes. Crops that are genetically engineered may take the place of natural weeds and thus harm natural plants. Unwanted genetic mutations may lead to crop allergies.
   The last disadvantage of genetic engineering is that it may introduce harmful pathogens. Horizontal gene transfer may bring about new pathogens. While it raises plant’s immunity to diseases, the resistant genes may be transferred to harmful pathogens.

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