Wednesday 29 April 2015


   Genetic engineering entails manipulating an organism’s gene indirectly using techniques such as molecular cloning to alter the nature and structure of genes. It can change an organism’s characteristics through DNA manipulation. Human beings ought to consider the pros and cons of genetic engineering before using it.There are a few pros and cons about genetic engineering. Lets begin with pros of genetic engineering.
   First, it leads to better growth rate, taste and nutrition of crops like tomatoes, potatoes, rice and soybean. Genetically engineering produces new variants with increased yield and improved nutritional qualities. Genetically engineered crops can survive on lands that are currently not suited for cultivation. Genetic manipulation can be carried out to meliorate the nutritional value and increase the rate of growth of crops. The science of genetic engineering, also referred to as foods Biotechnology, nay be utilized to ameliorate the taste of food.
   Next, Genetic engineering produces crops which are pest-resistant and have a longer shelf life. Engineered seeds can endure harsh climatic conditions and are resistant to pests. At-DBF2, a plant gene, can be inserted into tobacco and tomato cells to increase their survival in harsh climatic and soil conditions. Biotechnology may be utilized to slow down food spoilage process. This results in a greater shelf life of vegetables and fruits.
    The Genetic Engineering has some cons as well. One, it may block the nutritional value. Genetic engineering in food contaminates crop genes. Crops that are genetically engineered may take the place of natural weeds and thus harm natural plants. Unwanted genetic mutations may lead to crop allergies.
   The last disadvantage of genetic engineering is that it may introduce harmful pathogens. Horizontal gene transfer may bring about new pathogens. While it raises plant’s immunity to diseases, the resistant genes may be transferred to harmful pathogens.


   Early childhood education is a branch of education theory which relates to the teaching ofyoung children formally and informally up until the age of about eight. During their early years, children go through critical stages of development, and consistent, high-quality early childhood education can have long-lasting, beneficial effects on the overall development of children.Choosing a preschool in which your child will be loved and cared for is of utmost importance, of course. But it's also important to select a preschool that will partner with your family to ensure your child's healthy development throughout his or her early childhood education years.
   Having your child attend the same preschool programme throughout his or her early years allows him or her to develop relationships with the adults and children in that environment, which provides a sense of security. A child who is comfortable with the people in his or her life is more likely to participate in learning opportunities and in advanced cooperative play, such as role playing with others, playing games with rules, and working with others to accomplish goals.       
   Children who experience consistency in their early childhood education programme demonstrate less aggressive behaviours, because of their ability to interact with others and use their language skills to resolve conflicts. For young children, the knowledge that teachers, other children, and daily routines will be consistent over time encourage confidence and competency in social life.
   Finally, If your children get the early childhood education, they will be able to improve their language. Language development occurs at a rapid pace in children between the ages of one and five years old. Children who are secure in their environment and with the people around them are more likely to engage in frequent, age-appropriate conversations. Daily interactions such as these lead to more advanced language skills by promoting vocabulary development and conversational skills. Activities such as daily group discussions, fingerplays, songs, and read-alouds, help children develop the fundamental language skills they will continue to build on throughout their lifetimes. 


   National Treasure is an artefact, institution, or public figureregarded as being emblematic of a nation’s cultural heritage or identity. In Malaysia there were a few National Treasure the they have. One of the popular national treasure that Malaysia have is The Rainforest. Malaysia have the Oldest Rainforest in earth.
   In the middle of the Malaysian peninsular lies a rainforest so old it makes the entire Amazon jungle seem like new growth. Taman Negara, literally ‘national park’ in Malay, has lain virtually undisturbed for 130 million years. Located as it is in the centre of the equator, even ice ages left barely a dent in this ancient jungle.
   The flora and fauna of Taman Negara are unrivaled 14,000 species of plants, 200 mammals and 240 types of trees can be found in this lush rainforest. And with travel within the park limited to jungle tracks and riverboats, much more may still be waiting to be found.
   Prior to the Jurassic period, the entire Malaysia peninsular was submerged underwater. As a result, sedimentary rock and limestone make up the fertile base of Taman Negara and its interesting cave system. Most of Malaysia’s fossils have also been discovered within the limestone of this national park. Living within the rainforest are Malaysia’s earliest inhabitants, or Orang Asli, meaning original or native people. The Orang Asli of Taman Negara are of the Negrito group, who have burial sites in Malaysia dating back 10,000 years.


School-based Assessment (SBA) was first proposed in the Reform Proposals for the Education System in Hong Kong, published in September 2000. In this approach, basic skills and knowledge required by a Form 5 graduate will be indicated and students do not have to compare with the others.
   Under the education reforms in which a new culture of learning and teaching is to be cultivated, schools can use different modes of broad-based assessments, including observation of students' performance in classroom and participation in project work to promote learning in a more flexible manner. Another benefit is advocating students' all-round development which gives a more comprehensive picture of individual students' learning needs, as well as fosters the positive washback effects of public examinations. It also helps to address the limitations of judging students on their performance in one single examination.
   For assessment students are required to partake in interactions with classmates on a particular aspect of the text they have read or viewed, leading up to making a more formal group interaction or an individual presentation on a specific text and responding to questions from their audience. Students are assessed according to a set of assessment criteria, consisting of a set of descriptors at each of six levels across four domains, the domains are briefly describe as follow.
   First domain is pronunciation and delivery.Then, Communication Strategies, Communicative strategies involve body language, timing, and asking and answering appropriate kinds of questions.The next domain are Vocabulary and Language Patterns. Finally,  Ideas and Organisation  The ideas and organisation domain consists of the expression of information and ideas, the elaboration of appropriate aspects of the topic, organisation, and questioning and responding to questions.

Monday 27 April 2015


   Malaysia Is the only ASEAN country that have two car manufacture which is Proton (Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional) and Perodua (Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua). In other country outside Malaysia There are a lot of cars models and brands,which can be More expensive and cheaper than the Malaysia ones,and I'm gonna give a comparisson amongs Malaysia Cars and Foreign Cars. The example is Proton Preve and Toyota Vios. I'm gonna compare those cars about their space, price and safety.
    Proton Preve has plenty of space inside, certainly on par with others in the class. Five can be seated without too much body contact and the rear seat legroom is fine. The boot has a practical opening and a regular interior shape, so you can make full use of the available space, and folding the rear seats helps with long loads. There are plenty of places to store odds and ends, although some are made of hard plastics and we discovered the odd sharp plastic edge.Meanwhile,The Vios has had a wheelbase increase, pushing the Vios to the edge of medium size. This has made the interior feel more spacious, and allowed more space between the front and rear seats always welcome. Even the boot space has been increased to 470 litres. No complaints up front, and three adults can be accommodated in the back without them getting overly cosy with each other.
   Next, we will compared the price for the both car.Being a Proton, we assumed it would be less expensive than the Toyota, but we were wrong. The Preve is almost exactly the same price as the  Toyota Vios slightly confused by the PrevĂ©’s driveaway price, although we’ve seen the Corolla at RM60,000-Rm70,000 driveaway as well shop around. It is well enough equipped with lots of bells-and-whistles equipment such as auto headlights, auto wipers, cruise control, push button start, auto climate control, touch screen audio, sat nav and electric folding mirrors (that don’t automatically resume their position when you restart) a lot of kit for the modest price. The real value equation becomes clearer with free servicing for the first five-years/75,000km, five-year/150,000km warranty and five-year roadside assist.
   Finally, the safety for the Preve and Vios.Commendably, Proton has made a commitment to ensure all its cars have the maximum five star ANCAP rating. Standard safety equipment includes electronic stability control with brake assist, traction control, ABS and electronic brakeforce distribution. It also has front seatbelt pre-tensioners, active headrests and hazard lights that automatically activate under heavy braking above 90km/h and/or in the event of a crash. For Toyota Vios, Seven airbags, front seat designed to counter whiplash injuries, stability and traction control and anti-lock brakes all ensure the Ascent gets the maximum five-star ANCAP rating.


  My name is Ahmad Azwan B. Shukri . I am a senior in high school. Everyone can agree that I am a good student and that I like to study. My favorite subjects are chemistry and biology. I am going to enter the university because my goal is to study these subjects in future and to become a respected professional in one of the fields.
  I can say that I am a responsible and a hard-working student. Moreover, being a sociable person, I have many friends since I like to communicate with people and get to know new interesting individuals. I enjoy my time at school: it is really nice to study and the students are very friendly and ready to help. The atmosphere cannot but make me want to go there every time. I like to receive and deal with challenging tasks. I am a veryenthusiastic student and I think this is a strong point of mine.
  My friends say that I am a very funny and an interesting girl with a good sense of humor. As soon as I meet new people who are happy to meet me, I feel extremely comfortable with them. I believe that friendship is one of the mostimportant values in human life. We exchange new ideas, find many interesting things about each other and experience new things. I appreciate friendship and people who surround me.

Friday 24 April 2015


    Malaysia is a multiracial country. Malaysia has a population of 23.27 million consisting of 61 percent Malays, 30 percent Chinese, 8 percent Indians and 1 percent of other ethnic groups. Malaysia is unique because of its diversity of races, religions and cultures, the stability of the country and many places of interests. Besides, there are many international achievements which are the pride of our nation. There are a few things that what i know and what you should know about Malaysia.
   Every 31 August every year Malaysia will celebrate their Independnce Day. In 31 August 1957 has been declared the independence of Malaysia after several negotiations were among Malaysians led by Tengku Abdul Rahman and the British. In that day, Tunku Abdul Rahman proudly declared the independence of Malaya (now Malaysia) by shouting out "merdeka" seven times at the merdeka stadium.
  Malaysia is multiracial, multi ethnic, multi cultural country. This is because Malaysia have so many races and religion in one country. What make Malaysia amazing country is, althought they have many races and religion in their country, they can live peacefully. Malaysian people also known for their kindness, tolerance and their friendliness.
   Malaysia, people of difference ethic heritage live harmoniously, where the majority Malays, Chinese, and Indians have all placed their individual stamp on the local fare. It is bound to have interesting effect o the cuisine of the country. Every ethnic have their own famous food. For Example, Malay is famous with their nasi lemak, lemang and rendang. Roti canai, thosei and chapati were Indian famous food. Chinese is famous with their char kuey teaw and hainan chicken rice.
   The Wildlife of Malaysia are some of the most diverse on earth, with Malaysia being a Megadiverse country. The majority of the country is covered in rainforest, which hosts a huge diversity of plant and animal species. There are approximately 210 mammal species, 620 bird species, 250 reptile species, and 150 frog species found in Malaysia. Its large marine territory also holds a great diversity of life, with the country's coastal waters comprising part of the Coral Triangle.